

Classes and Workshops

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Don’t see what you’re looking for? Email Kathy and let’s get the class or event on the calendar!

Read What Others Are Saying about Our Classes and Workshops

Kathy is a Great Teacher!

Kathy provided clear detailed instruction that did not assume we had ever used that technique before.  We never felt talked down to.  Her class was EXCELLENT !   I know  — I took home finished parts! Thank you Kathy

Jan N.
Sew Many Things
November 18, 2017

Courage to Try!

I took a class from Kathy last year.   It was the Bali Wedding Star.  I made it for my daughter and son in law. On a lark I entered it in our local guilds quilt show. I won viewers choice

Karen M.
April 19, 2024

Great Experience

I did the Harboured Lighthouse quilt as a zoom class with Kathy. It was easy to follow along during the class. If I missed anything or wanted to recheck part it’s easy to watch the class again. Kathy is always

Sue Bruhn
Zoom Class - Online
January 19, 2021

Great group instructor…AND personal follow up!

Kathy was very helpful during Qultworx University. She provided helpful tips and shortcuts, written cue cards. I found her group instructions to be helpful and appreciated individual follow up after the demonstration. She was also quick answer individual questions and

Sarah Buller Fenton
September 28, 2019


I really liked the way you checked in at each table. Everything was outstanding. Your workshop made me get moving again!

Bobbie V
Light House Quilt Guild
November 19, 2017

Class by Kathy? – Without Hesitation!

I loved the class.  I learned not to be so awed at the idea of the complex process and the many components to this quilt.  Kathy taught us to be methodical and follow the provided instructions. Kathy worked with us

Anne K.
Ann Arbor Quilt Guild
November 18, 2017

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