

Classes and Workshops

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Read What Others Are Saying about Our Classes and Workshops

BobKat’s Retreat – The Value is Phenomenal!

Can’t say enough about how fun, laid back, and informational this retreat has been! I can’t truly say I’m “bummed” about missing her next one because I’m going to Quiltworx (!!!) in October, but if it weren’t for that I’d

Tabitha A.
April 29, 2023

Class by Kathy? – Without Hesitation!

I loved the class.  I learned not to be so awed at the idea of the complex process and the many components to this quilt.  Kathy taught us to be methodical and follow the provided instructions. Kathy worked with us

Anne K.
Ann Arbor Quilt Guild
November 18, 2017

A Marvelous Experience!

The Wedding Star  Table Topper on Zoom was an absolutely fabulous class! Kathy Groves is an outstanding instructor with excellent instructional skills; she is never rushed giving instructions. Moreover, Kathy is patient and very eager to help students. I have

Linda Ost
November 29, 2021

From “No Way” to Success and Comraderie!

This was a great experience. I would never have had the nerve to try this on my own. When I first opened the pattern I almost said no way. The only thing that kept me from backing out was knowing

Gladys B.
Sun City Quilting Interest Group
October 30, 2020

Your Quiltster class was so much fun!

This class was so much fun. I learned a lot. Thanks Kathy for an excellent session on Quiltster.

Linda G.
November 21, 2020

Clear concise instructions and lots of fun!

Clear concise instructions and lots of fun. My project isn’t done but will be in a bit. Thanks, Kathy for your encouragement and help.

M. L. Perkins, AQS
Zoom - Online
October 2, 2020

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