Check out “What We Do“ to see an overview of everything we do!
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Email Kathy and let’s get the class or event on the calendar!
Best workshop ever. Finally finished my fractured star quilt.
I attended the Zen Garden class at Yoders in Shipshewana, IN. Kathy was great! Bring her back soon and the Fort Wayne gals will come.
I loved Kathy’s enthusiasm!. The class eval didn’t go high enough — it topped out at “Outstanding”. I learned lots of shortcuts. The class was challenging because I tend to be slower sewing in a group.
I’m in Kathy’s Dinner Plate Dahlia Zoom class. I just signed up for the upcoming (March 2021) Coral Reef Zoom class as well! She’s a fantastic teacher. Clear and concise instructions and very helpful and patient.
Looking forward to another great class! Wedding Star Table Topper on Zoom was wonderful!! ?
Best workshop ever. Finally finished my fractured star quilt.