

Classes and Workshops

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Read What Others Are Saying about Our Classes and Workshops

Very happy with my poinsettia quilt!

Very happy with my poinsettia quilt! Thank you Kathy for a great

Joan R.
Fall 2022
November 5, 2022

Outstanding Retreat!

Your Shipshewana Retreat  was Outstanding!!! Had a great time with great people. And I will go home with my Carnival Flower in Tula colors 3/4 assembled. Couldn’t quite get that last slice in there but will finish at home. I

Janet L.
April 29, 2023

Courage to Try!

I took a class from Kathy last year.   It was the Bali Wedding Star.  I made it for my daughter and son in law. On a lark I entered it in our local guilds quilt show. I won viewers choice

Karen M.
April 19, 2024

Our guild members thoroughly enjoyed Kathy and her AMAZING quilts!

Kathy came and gave a presentation at the Baytown Area Quilt Guild on Monday, April 5th, 2021.   What an excellent program she presented with so many lovely quilts. As program chair, I had so many compliments from our members saying

Jane Ott
Baytown Area Quilt Guild
April 10, 2021

Thank You for a Fantastic Week!

Thank you so much for a fantastic week. This is my first time making a JN quilt and Kathy made the whole process understandable and enjoyable. She is an outstanding instructor and I will be taking future classes with

Wendy S
April 29, 2023

Fantastic Quiltster Class

I just attended Kathy’s Quiltser class. This was my first experience with Quiltser and Kathy made it a breeze. She’s a great teacher and very patient. If you’d like to learn more about Quiltster then I encourage you to take

Valerie J.
November 21, 2020

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